The ENCODE NETWORK is the WEB3 platform of ENCODE Graphics and lets enter via wallet verification any NFT enthusiast who appreciates good comic art and comic literature. Besides public offers, the main offer is addressed to all KEY holders and ENCODE FOUNDERS.
What are the ENCODE KEYS?
The ENCODE FOUNDER KEYS come in 3 different levels or ranks - GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE - and are, in a way, a subscription or universal mint pass. With a KEY, you can enter raffles for exclusive artwork, participate in randomized drops, read comics and mint as an NFT, and participate in upcoming drops of subprojects for free.
GOLD and SILVER KEYS will also be able to claim a one-time physical box and receive strictly limited comics, some of which will have NFC stickers that include an exclusive NFT.
You can get an ENCODE KEY here :: but CAUTION! Please always check our KEY CHECKER to see which NFTs have already been minted and if the physical box has already been claimed before deciding to purchase on the secondary market.

How does the KEY CHECKER work?
Just click on the KEY you are considering in Opensea, check the token ID under "Details" and enter this ID in the KEY CHECKER! Immediately you will see all NFTs that have already been claimed.

What can you expect in the physical ENCODE BOXES?
The physical ENCODE BOXES offer a concentrated load of really strictly limited comic books. Anyone familiar with the world of comics knows that an edition of 3000 already has a high rarity value. We have set our focus on even rarer editions and would categorize these issues as SUPERRARE. Most issues have a print run of around 600 pieces, whereas most of the NFT Editions are limited to 100 pieces.
Each SILVER BOX contains a total of 8 issues, of which the #1 of our series "2084" comes in two different variants and one of these variants is an exclusive NFT edition with a limitation of 500. Furthermore you get the second issue of "2084", the complete first arc of our Dystopunks x ENCODE series "WIZ" and the first two issues of "METATALES". The box is also accompanied by some limited edition and beautifully designed stickers.
Each GOLD BOX gets all the above issues and at the same time can enjoy 5 other variants, all of which are NFT editions with a limitation of 100. So in this box you can find METATALES #1 and #2, 2084 #1 and WIZ #1-3 in an exclusive edition. But this is not all, because the GOLD BOX is accompanied by an original artwork with COA from a series of 55 unique portraits. The originals, from the hand of the famous artist Romano Modenaar, depict some of the main characters of the 2084 series and can also be claimed as a digital twin in the form of an NFT on our NETWORK.

How long and where can I claim these physical boxes?
The physical boxes can be claimed until December 14, 2022 :: Please go to the CLAIMABLES section and claim your boxes there. For this, it is absolutely necessary that you fill out your profile conscientiously so that ENCODE can actually send you the boxes. We are aware that KYC is not everyone's cup of tea, but it is unfortunately mandatory in order to receive the physical boxes. The first boxes will be sent out in early November and in a staggered manner as we go along.
What value do KEYS have at all after the BOX CLAIM?
As already mentioned, the KEYS are a general MINTPASS. The physical boxes represent only a part of the offer. ENCODE is also working on other projects that will benefit all KEY holders. Furthermore, the KEYS are in a way the ticket for raffles and special artworks and drops in the ENCODE NETWORK.
Where can you mint comics?
For this go to the NFT STORE. There you will find all previous series and issues. The issues can be minted as Public Edition with special cover for a price of 0.03 ETH or can be claimed in the respective KEY category without a purchase price. KEY holders only pay the required GAS cost. Just click on MINT and a pop-up will open. In this pop-up you can choose a token ID on the left side between all available KEYS and mint with it. If you want to mint with multiple KEYS, simply click on multiple KEYS and minted all booklets with one transaction. KEY Variants are not for sale and are reserved for Founders only.
Does the profile have to be completely filled out?
No, the profile does not have to be filled in completely and only the name, country and email are required. However, if you want to claim a physical box or purchase an NFT with "physical delivery" in the future, you will need to provide your postal address in order to receive the physical collectibles.
Where can I see my already minted NFTs?
Go to your profile. Under your profile picture you will find two buttons. The second button "VIEW COLLECTED NFTS" leads you to your personal ENCODE VAULT. Here you can see not only all embossed comic NFTs, which you can read and download there, but also all artwork and your KEYS, which can be "checked" there with just one click. With the filter you can easily switch between all NFTs that contain "physical delivery" or do not offer the right to receive physical items.
What are NFTs with "physical delivery"?
These limited NFTs with the special trait entitle you to receive a physical item; whether it is a single NFT Edition booklet, a box of booklets, or some other product. After you minted one of these NFTs, you can go to the PHYSICAL REDEEM section and redeem the NFT to receive the physical product in the mail. The actual NFT will remain with you. The cost of shipping the product is already included in the purchase.
How do the RAFFLES work?
In the NFT STORE you will find the category RAFFLES. The beginning of a raffle is communicated to the community early and starts with a fixed date. When you click on an NFT in a particular RAFFLE collection you will see the full description and all the traits that this NFT has. The MAX SUPPLY tells you how many KEYS can win this NFT.
Each KEY can only make one entry in the category it belongs to; that is, a GOLD KEY can only enter the GOLD raffle and so on. All entries are onchain and must be verified. This incurs GAS costs, which must be paid by the holder. The design of the raffle in this way is safer, more stable and also justified by the fact that the raffles are connected to the KEYS. So it is system immanent and relevant. In addition, this approach provides transparency that we appreciate by using the blockchain. This is WEB3. The cost here is minimal and holders of multiple keys can combine all entries into one transaction.
Each raffle lasts for 7 days and FOUNDERs can make their entries during this time. At the end of the time, the winners will be chosen automatically in a randomized process and notified by the system in the NETWORK. You can see if you have won in the messages. Just open the small "notification bell" here.
What are "PACK DROPS"?
The Pack Drops are collections that contain a certain pool of NFTs. If you click into a Pack Drop collection you will see all NFTs listed and underneath the percentage, which represents the availability in the whole pool. Here the NFTs are contained in different rarities. Some NFTs are rarer than others and at the moment of minting you don't know what you will end up with.
After you have minted an NFT, you have to claim it in CLAIMABLES. This is where the actual random generation process happens. Thus, 2 transactions are required, which is unfortunately based on the fact that already in other projects with only one TX many things went wrong and exploits occurred. With the 2 transactions we can offer more security and fairness besides the tension of not knowing what you will get.
How is the RANKING structured?
Every KEY and every NFT collectible of the new collections as well as the old Nifty Gateway artworks and the avatars of "THE NEXU5" count for the calculation of the final score within the RANKING. Holders of multiple KEYS (from 2 pieces) of the same category will get an extra point for each KEY. In the following you can see the distribution of the points. This list will be extended during the development of ENCODE.